Home News & Announcements

Miner Street & Valley View Road Parking and Traffic Flow NOTIFICATION!

Miner Street & Valley View Road Parking and Traffic Flow NOTIFICATION!

Malvern Borough is proposing an Ordinance Amendment where there will be no parking on Miner Street on either side from Old Lincoln Highway... more ››


Volunteers Needed

Borough Council is inviting residents to join the Task Force that is being formed to undertake and implement a comprehensive review... more ››


Malvern Planning Commission Plans Under Review

Please see the attached link for plans under review by the Malvern Planning Commission:  ... more ››

Malvern Community Arts Choir Performance

Mr. Danny Fruchter shared a video of the Malvern Community Arts Choir performance at our 12/19/2023, Borough Council Meeting.  The video... more ››

Happy New Year! Let's Resolve to be Trash Smart!

Happy New Year! Let's Resolve to be Trash Smart!

What does it mean to be Trash Smart? It means to be more thoughtful and engaged in how you manage solid waste in your everyday life. It is... more ››

Aqua Billing Concerns

We would like to respond to concerns about a water shutoff notice that was received regarding the fire hydrants in the Borough. We want to... more ››

Fire man

Malvern Fire Company- Help Us Reach Our Goal!

Dear Neighbor and Friend,

Paoli Memorial Membership Invitation

Dear Malvern Borough Neighbors,

Fall Newsletter Image

Fall 2023 Newsletter

Blue Beards for Charity

Malvern Police Department: Blue Beards for Charity 2023!

Blue Beards for Charity 2023
